Retail interior, visuals and decorations highly influenced customer’s perception about a brand . The customer journey starts with watching shop windows; this is when the client gets attracted and decides to enter (or not) the shop. And it lasts until the buyer exits. This goes far beyond having fully stocked shelves or having the right product at the right price.

What customers truly want is a special and unique shopping experience. Therefore, it is important to create the perfect retail interior design and to choose the best furniture, as these features will help to set up a better customer experience, imprint a positive memory in the mind, and conclude the sale.

Judging a business based on its appearance is a subconscious action that affects everybody, it is scientifically proven. That is why, retailers and business owners should consider their design before anything else. How will the customers feel? The light is good? Is it easy to find the items? Is the decor modern? What about the colors?

Before thinking about the quality or price of your products, you should have answers to all these questions. In other words, it is all about making a positive and powerful first impression, so that the clients would like to look at your product offerings. Store interior designs can help to convey a brand identity, main points, and values. It will connect the store with its target audience and make the right impression about who they are.

Customers tend to primarily rely on the feeling brands evoke them. This suggests that brands need to commit themselves to the creation of the perfect physical space but they also need to tell a story and stimulate emotions, in particular loyalty and trust.

Before opening a new store or redesigning a current one, it is important to understand the target audience and the local mindset. To study their needs, desires, requirements, and expectations. This knowledge will be the basis. Designing a store without analyzing customer behavior and habits, risks creating a completely wrong space for your buyers, and failing to appeal to their needs or stimulating an emotional connection with them. The key is to remember that customer experience should always be at the forefront of retail design. The entire design phase is consumer-centric.


Let’s have a look at Victoria’s Secret. This brand spent so much on its interior decor. It turned into their trademark. Even without any advertising sign, people will certainly know that they are in one Victoria’s Secret retail.

In the beginning, the stores were designed to create an inviting environment, replete with ornate Victorian detailing, warm neutral colors, and rich wood-paneled walls. Victorian-era design ideals assign a strong importance to order and ornamentation.

Over the years, the stores improved to create the perfect environment for their target clients. The retail style, is a mix of a provocative and sensual look and dainty details.

Inspired by hospitality and residential design themes, the interior exudes opulence, accentuated by the iconic pink, black, and white Victoria’s Secret color palette.

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