Michelle Fennel

Michelle Fennel is a German fashion, beauty and editorial photographer. As a very young teenager she drew a lot. It all started with comics and telling stories but soon she also discovered her passion to draw wedding dresses, couture and later portraits. When she got her first analog compact camera she started to hunt for the perfect pictures. During her time of studying publishing, journalism and marketing she started to work for television and video productions. In the early Summer of 2011 Michelle Fennel got into fashion photography finally combining all her interests and fascination for fashion, art and telling stories, expertise and passion in photography and editing in one subject. She has lived and worked in Germany, in China and in Canada.

Michelle Fennel

Michelle Fennel

Michelle Fennel

Michelle Fennel

Michelle Fennel

Michelle Fennel

Michelle Fennel

Michelle Fennel

Michelle Fennel

Michelle Fennel

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