I started modeling when I was 19. I was living in Seattle at the time attending flight school, and in my off time I was taking modeling and acting classes. After having found out that I was not eligible to complete flight school, I moved to Hong Kong to start teaching English. While in Hong Kong, I started picking up odd jobs modeling, and acting in television commercials.
During that time I did television commercials for Cathay Pacific, Cannon, and SHK which is the company that built the ICC in Hong Kong. I stopped modeling for a while when I moved back to the states. I then moved back to Hong Kong, about a year ago to teach and do writing and promotions. During that time, the most notable job I did was a TVC with the new face of Estee Lauder, Constance Jablonski. I started modeling in earnest about 5 months to 6 months ago, when I met my girlfriend.
She is a Chinese top model, and we went to China and signed with ESEE. After that contract finished we came to Hong Kong, and are currently signed with Dreamodels. As of late I have modeled for Kent and Curwen, Estee Lauder, and few publications. After this contract is finished, my girlfriend and myself will go back to China to sign with ESEE.
I quite enjoy modeling because I find it to be a dynamic career. One never knows what kind of job they are going to be signed to, and to me, thats exciting. Ive yet to have my big break, but who knows whats around the corner. So I will keep on hitting the castings, and trying my best!