There are different ways that you may find useful to promote yourself and show your work as a model. Below you can find a few resources that will help you start your way up:

  • COMP CARD. The comp cards, also known as composite photo cards or sed cards, are a small collection of photos in a document. This is a “collage” where your best photos are displayed in different poses and scenarios. We recommend using few photographs (about 4 would be correct) so each one can be seen at a considerable size. These cards are made of cardboard or photographic paper and should not be bigger than an A4 size. The comp cards have a caption with the model basic data such as name, age, height, weight, skin color, eye color, measurements and model agency or manager (if applies). They can be widely used as the first page in a book; being this a perfect way to introduce yourself to the clients.
  • VIDEOBOOK. The videobook is an innovative way to present and make yourself known, allowing you in a digital format, to show your best skills. This can be presented in various ways: a photo montage of your best work with background music and text or you can talk directly to the client introducing yourself, so he/she can see how you are physically and how you unfold. In addition, creating your presentation on video gives you the advantage of being able to talk and explain your skills, your personality and everything you like without having to arrange an interview. The video book is usually posted on online media channels like Vimeo or Youtube and should not take longer than 1 minute. Otherwise, it could get the viewer bored. In addition, this format has the advantage that it can be promoted through your website, blog and social networking so you can reach a wider audience and therefore increase the possibility of finding interested clients.
  • FASHION EVENTS. Having an active attitude and be always present on all the fashion festivals and events is something that will make you gain, step by step, contact with the professionals of the industry. The key is to talk with the organizers, directors, contributors and all type of professionals who participate on the event. Remember to take care of acts in order to make a good impression on all the attendees. It is recommended that you make yourself a calendar placing all the dates of the main events that are going on next to you. Following these steps, you will achieve the notoriety that you are looking for. You never know where you can get your next job, so don’t wait for it to come… Get out there and take it! 🙂
  • TRADITIONAL BOOK. It is the tool most used and conventional tool to make yourself known in the world of fashion. It is basically a folder with plastic spacers inside containing a collection of pictures on paper. It’s recommended not to place too many photos (between 6 and 12 would be correct) only showing your best work. In addition, for this type of books it’s very important to show all your facets. The variety and originality will always make you win more points. Finally, don’t forget to appreciate the work of those professionals who have collaborated in the creation of your book and make a space for their names to appear. Learn more with the ¨10 tips for a perfect book¨.

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