Soon you could vote for the Model of the Week. The vote will start from the 9th of January. More information click this link: Casting Model of the Week

This week, and as a Christmas gift for all the girls and fans of “Model of the Week”, we present Romain Vennat. Romain is a young French model from Clermont-Ferrant.

[question]Hi Romain, Tell us about you?[/question]

[answer]I am a 20 years old French model. I come from Clermont-Ferrant; I work as a model since one year. [/answer]

Romain Vennat - By Fred Goudon

Romain Vennat by Fred Goudon - Rights reserved


[question]How did you start working as a model?[/question]

[answer]I first publish some pictures on a web portal in France with any pretense. Then everything went fast. I have first been contacted by a producer who told me I had some potential. He made me come to Paris to introduce me to a model agency. Now I work for Rock Men in Paris[/answer]

[question]What happened then?[/question]

[answer]Someone who knows photographer Bruce Weber showed him my pictures. We have been in contact and after some emails, I traveled to Boston for the Abercrombie & Hollister photo shooting.[/answer]

Romain Vennat by Fred Goudon

Romain Vennat by Fred Goudon - Rights reserved


[question]Wow, that is a good start![/question]

[answer]Yes! I can’t complain even if I am not 100% sure yet to be part of the campaign. For Hollister, it is confirmed, soon you could see some pictures! :)[/answer]

[question]We don’t know about Abercrombie & Hollister yet, but the pictures that photographer Fred Goudon took of you are outstanding. How did you meet him?[/question]

[answer]Once back from Boston, I wanted to have some more pictures. I knew Fred Goudon’s work since he shot “Les Dievx dv Stade” calendar in 2005. I also knew his work I saw in his different books he published (Bedtime StoryAquaSunday MorningCinq, . I really wanted to work with him; For me, Fred is the master of light and shadow.[/answer]

Romain Vennat by Fred Goudon

Romain Vennat by Fred Goudon - Rights reserved


[question]Are you a full time model now?[/question]

[answer]I am first a student. I am studying at the Clermont-Ferrant Business School. This year my school sent me to Glasgow. If I keep doing well as a model, I might become a full time model after my studies[/answer]

Romain Vennat by Fred Goudon

Romain Vennat by Fred Goudon - Rights reserved


[question]Do you have a girl friend?[/question]

[answer]No! I am traveling too much for my studies and work and prefer to be free, for the moment ;)[/answer]

[question]What sports do you practice?[/question]

[answer]I was practicing Judo, but I had to quit. It is not compatible with my work as a model. I also ski.[/answer]

Romain Vennat by Fred Goudon

Romain Vennat by Fred Goudon - Rights reserved


[question]Thank you Romain for your time, we wish you the best for your model career[/question]

[answer]Thanks to you for interviewing me, cheers[/answer]

Romain Vennat by Fred Goudon

Romain Vennat by Fred Goudon - Rights reserved

Buy Fred Goudon’s book: Follow this link Fred Goudon’s Book

Buy the 2012 “The Dieux du Stade” Calendar: Follow this link 2012 DDS Calendar

We will make our lectors vote for the next “Model of the Week”. If you are a model or a model agency and want to apply for the casting, look at the presentation: Casting “Models of the Week”. We start very soon. Romain is a very good exemple of what could happen to you being expose on Not Just

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