After 10 years of experience focused in tailoring, offering a personalized service with very cared pieces and fabrics with the máximum quality, the brand decided to open its first store in Barcelona.

Located at the street Valencia number 300, the store is decorated with lots of style where the velvet curtains of the dressing rooms stand out creating a very artistic environment. On the other hand, it is located in an ample space filled with sculptures and paintings from different artists making it an incredible and striking art gallery.

Photo by Alex Caparrós

Inauguración de García Madrid en Barcelona. (Photo by Alex Caparrós)

Photo by Alex Caparrós

Not Just Fashion Magazine attended to the store opening and had the chance to talk with Joan Moragas, Commercial Director of the brand, who explained us about the reason why García Madrid is in the cosmopolite city of Barcelona.

Tell us about the origin of García Madrid in Barcelona.

The origin of García Madrid in Barcelona is an accumulation of casualties. We are two people who do not dedícate to the fashion insdutry but we like it a lot. We were in Madrid and ran towards the stores of García Madrid. We liked the clothing, we wore it and when coming here to Barcelona people were asking us: “Where did you get this suit jacket” and in the end, we cuestionate ourselves: “Why don`t we bring the brand here to Barcelona?”. We talked to them, we did not know them. We aksed them if they were interested in placing a store in Barcelona. We have moved forward and forward and here we are, opening the first store of García Madrid in Barcelona.

Why Barcelona?

Barcelona is the cultural center of Spain. We have to be in Barcelona. There is also a lot of tourism and tourists looking for something different. Barcelona has it all.

We know that the brand has many stores in other cities right?

Yes, García Madrid has 3 stores in Madrid and 1 in Santiago de Chile. Later on, we will open one in Dominican Republic.

Why tailoring?

There are not many tailoring stores like García Madrid that combine good quality with a relative low price.

We have found that in America there are very good clients that have the possibilities of buying a García Madrid. It is a brand that offers something different.

What would be those different elements that make it stand out?

The are two.

The first one is the design. We have suits with very well known fabrics and a wide variety of colors to which you need very brave to image5wear them because it is difficult to use an striking suit jacket, for example. But people likes it.

Barcelona is a cosmopolite city. There are a lot of art liberal people who like to dress nicely, who like to wear something different and García Madrid is different in that sense.

Then, we have the sizes. You take a look at a suit jacket adn think is a regular size but when you put it on it is comfortable and fits perfectly.

Who wears García Madrid?

It is a very good question. García Madrid is worn by liberal professionals, people who like fashion, bold people looking for an unique style. And also, there are the classics. I have two 18-year old sons who came to the store to take a suit. And one of them bought its first suit. And what did he buy? A classic. Well, there are also classic suits for those who want it, for those who do not dare to wear something more eccentric. In time you have less shamefulness (laughs).

Tell us about the last collection.

The collection is spectacular. My partner and I went to take a look at the second collection one month and a half and the truth is that we loved it. The colors, the fabrics. At first sight you do not notice the differences there are, the fabric is precios. When you look closer, it is another thing. It is very pretty.

We precisely wanted to learn about the materials used in García Madrid.

image3Manuel García, the designer, explained us: “These fabrics only have them Prada and us”. We have high quality fabrics among we use Premium cotton, wool, cashmere and superfine merino and silks.

We understand that García Madrid has chosen the actora Asier Etxeandía as its image.

It is right. García Madrid is well positioned in the film indutry. García Madrid has been worn bye 15 Goyas.

080 Barcelona Fashion takes place in Barcelona every year. Are you thinking about participating in the next editions?

It is almost sure that we will in June/July as guests.

What projects have you already planned to promote the brand?

Apart from the store opening in which we are receiving professionals from differnte media we will do an Open Day with contacts from the industry. Later, we will make specific marketing plans to create awareness about the store with invitations, discounts, etc.

In addition, we want to extend our store network in other cities. By the end of this year we will open the store at Dominican Republic and we would like to learn a little bit more about the market to open stores at Sitges, Ibiza, etc.

To learn more about its clothing we invite you to enter to García Madrid´s webpage.

Lots of success and Thank you so much for your time!

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