A wide range of sensations are at the biggest market in Catalonia.

A variety of colors, smells, textures, shapes and words in languages sometimes impossible to recognize is the mixture that can be found in one of the bussiest markets in Barcelona, both tourists and locals… Mmmm… Definitely more tourists.

In Barcelona, there are local markets in different areas of the city where the people who live there often prefer to buy their food, fruits and vegetables rather than the supermarket. The Boqueria market is relevant to the area of Las Ramblas, which is why it has become so crowded. However, it is still visited by locals due to the quality and variety of its food that even supplies many restaurants in town.

Saint Joseph´s Market, popularly known as La Boqueria, was inaugurated in 1840 with an area of more than 2500m2 in which today there are over 300 stalls where you can find all kinds of local and international products passing by the famouses fruit juices, fresh sea foods to American and other culture´s exotic specialties.

Among the things you cannot stop enjoying are:

To sit and eat at any of the food stalls that are within the market itself to enjoy the experience of the rapid movement there is.

Buy a juice either with strawberry and banana, mango and kiwi, strawberry and blackberry… The truth is we cannot decide which is best. All are very good.

Buy some fruit, a bag of nuts or chocolates to enjoy with your fruit juice the tour around the market.

Walking through the central area of the market dedicated to sea foods. A marine discovery all the way.

Observe, observe and observe. So you will enjoy the experience of gestures, exclamations, laughters and work of the people who devote their lives to this place.

We hope you have a nice walk around and keep discovering Barcelona with us through “The 5 3 1 Combination” of the week.

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