If your dream is to be a good model, your book has to be your best weapon. This collection of photos is the reflection of your image and therefore, it has to be perfect to convince and sell yourself in the best way possible. You have to captivate and draw attention to the client and this requires, apart from a lot of confidence a good preparation.

Here are 10 tips to make your physical or digital book reach the professionalism and perfection required:

  1. Be yourself. Do not pretend to be someone you’re not in your photos. Feel comfortable, confident and natural.
  2. Be very selective and place few photographies inside. The ideal book contains between 6 to 12 photos. Remember just to place your best photos: your worst picture is what will be highlighted in your book and on the client’s mind.
  3. The originality and the variety are very important. Squeeze your creativity and dare to do different things to stand out. The more looks you show and more versatile you are more points you will earn.
  4. Don’t overuse digital retouching since a lot of agencies give priority to the naturalness of a model.
  5. It’s highly recommended that the book contains color and black and white photos. Remember that diversity is more important than visual coherence.
  6. If you have a digital book, create a good website where photos have high quality and look aesthetically clean and tidy. Always take care of your image and your cover letter.
  7. If you go for a physical book, purchase a folder to store your pictures. The most recommended are those that contain hardcover and plastic compartments inside. Remember that the best photos have to be located on the right because our sight focuses more on this side.
  8. Please notice and acknowledge the work of people involved in the pictures (photographer, stylist, etc.). Remember it is important to know about professionals in the industry.
  9. Look for professional advice. Never go to an agency or client until you have a good book.
  10. Once your career as a model has started, remember to constantly update your book to renew your image showing your new work.

Do you dare to fulfill your dreams and enter into the professional world of modeling?

Follow your way towards being a professional fashion model checking out the following article: “How to make yourself known in the fashion industry… and not die trying”.



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